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Dragonfly - the next generation three wheel car.
We have designed a three wheel car layout that we would like to see develop as a new family of vehicles. It has two wheels in front, a rear engine, and front wheel drive. We have named the idea the Dragonfly Three Wheeler.
Looking at the vehicle choices today... gas cars, expensive EVs, limited use motorcycles.. it seems that there should be a vehicle design that is Eco Sensible with great EV range, offers some protection from rain while still enjoying the sun, is utilitarian and sport at the same time, and most importantly is unique and fun. In this spirit, the Dragonfly concept was born.
Starting as nothing more than a project to build the coolest Saturday night ride, the idea has continued to evolve. The first build is officially road legal with our first VIN, and we have started concept layouts for full electric versions.
Our vision is to bring these 3 wheel cars to the market for all of us.
Don't drive boring cars ... let's build something new!
Copyright © 2024 Dragonfly Three Wheeler - All Rights Reserved.